Monthly Archives: December 2018

Fieldworker – December release

Inside this edition: Recession ends due to a 2,2% increase in the gross domestic product

Media Release                                                                                                                                               11 December 2018 QUARTERLY EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS The results of the Quarterly employment survey (QES) for the third quarter of 2018 show a decrease of 16   read more »

The formal non-agricultural sector sheds 16 000 jobs in September 2018

The formal non-agricultural sector sheds 16 000 jobs in September 2018

The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) for the third quarter of 2018, shows a decrease of 16 000 jobs. Job losses occurred in the manufacturing (-7 000), construction (-5 000), mining  (-2 000), trade (-2 000), transport (-1 000), and community services (-1 000) industries. The manufacturing and construction industries accounted for about three-quarters of the decline in employment over the quarter. Whilst   read more »

Business profit jumps in financial year 2016/17

Business profit jumps in financial year 2016/17

Some good news in trying times. After two consecutive years of decline, South African businesses recorded a 49% increase in net profit before tax in financial 2017, according to Stats SA’s latest Annual financial statistics (AFS) survey. The mining industry was the largest contributor to this rise. The success of a business generally depends on   read more »

Stats Biz – November 2018

The South African economy grew by 2,2% quarter-on-quarter in the third quarter of 2018, bringing to an end the country’s second recession since 1994. Higher contributions to growth in a number of industries – most notably in manufacturing, transport as well as finance and business services – were enough to lift economic growth back into   read more »

The recession ends as GDP climbs by 2,2%

The recession ends as GDP climbs by 2,2%

The South African economy grew by 2,2% quarter-on-quarter (seasonally adjusted and annualised) in the third quarter of 2018, bringing to an end the country’s second recession since 1994. Higher contributions to growth in a number of industries – most notably in manufacturing, transport as well as finance and business services – were enough to lift   read more »