Yearly Archives: 2017

World Population

  Media advisory                                                                                                                  18 October 2017   World Population Scientist descent to Cape Town to consult on population issues to advance policy and development programmes    Discourse and solutions around population issues focusing on world poverty, mortality, life expectancy, policy challenges in Africa,   read more »

Digging deeper into your pocket? These prices might be to blame

Digging deeper into your pocket? These prices might be to blame

Does that braai pack feel a bit expensive? If you’ve recently noticed a rise in meat prices, then you’re not alone. Let’s take a closer look at that, as well as other items in the consumer price index with inflation higher than South Africa’s inflation target of 3–6% that is used for monetary policy. In   read more »

Mbalo Brief – October 2017

The month of October has been declared Mental Health Awareness Month with the objective of educating the public about mental health and to reduce the stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness. Mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and stress are common, and affect individuals, families and the broader community. In   read more »

Falling prices: the good, the better, and the best

Falling prices: the good, the better, and the best

It’s hard to believe. It goes against what we often hear. Whether chatting with friends around the braai or debating with family at the dinner table, almost everyone has a story to tell about their own experiences with rising prices. Surprisingly, data show that there are in fact items that are cheaper now than they   read more »

Public healthcare: How much per person?

Public healthcare: How much per person?

You can consider yourself one of the lucky few if you have medical aid. According to the latest General Household Survey, only 17 in 100 South Africans have medical insurance, the essential key that opens the door to private healthcare. As many as 45 million, or 82 out of every 100 South Africans, fall outside   read more »

Stats Biz – September 2017

If you’re dreaming of one day purchasing a holiday home, and space is important to you, Durban might be the best option. On the other hand, if property costs are your main concern, East London might be a place to consider. Which cities have the largest, and the most expensive, homes? Explore housing prices, and   read more »


  Media Release                                                                                         28 September 2017   The results of the Quarterly Employment Survey for the second quarter of 2017 released by Statistics South Africa today, show a decline of 34 000 jobs (or -0.4%) to 9 617 000  in the formal non-agricultural sector in the quarter ended in June 2017.  This is a gain   read more »

Recorded live births, 2016

  Media Release                                                                                                        28 September 2017   The Recorded live births, 2016 report released by Statistics South Africa today shows that a total of 969 415 births were registered in South Africa in 2016. This indicated a decline of 10,6% from the 1 084 511 birth registrations for 2015. Of the 969 415 births   read more »

Victims of Crime Survey 2016/17

  MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                       28 September 2017 Victims of Crime Survey 2016/17 Statistics South Africa, released the 2016/17 Victims of Crime Survey results on Thursday September 28th,. According to this survey, crime experienced by households and individuals aged 16 years and older, has been decreasing between 2013/14 and 2016/17. Approximately 7% households in South Africa were   read more »

Crime is going down, but we are not feeling any safer

The recently released Victims of Crime Survey results found that crime levels have been gradually declining. With South Africans experiencing lower levels of crime, it is expected that communities would feel safer. Instead, the survey reveals that declining crime trends were accompanied by deteriorating feelings of safety among households. According to the survey, the percentage   read more »