Monthly Archives: December 2015

SA economy added 7000 formal sector jobs in quarter 3 of 2015

The September 2015 Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) survey showed that an estimated 8 951 000 persons were employed in the formal non-agricultural sector of the South African economy. This reflected a quarterly increase of 7 000 employees (+0,1%) between June 2015 and September 2015 and an annual increase of 4 000 employees (0,0%) between September   read more »

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Stats SA’s latest Quarterly Financial Statistics report provides detailed financial statistics on the private sector, for the quarter ending September 2015. How did business turnover fare over this period? The following short article covers key turnover statistics from the report. Total turnover Total turnover in the private sector increased by 3,3% in the September 2015   read more »

The man to honour: Statistician-General of South Africa receives Honorary Doctorate from top South African university

The man to honour: Statistician-General of South Africa receives Honorary Doctorate from top South African university

South Africa’s Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, was today honoured with an honorary Doctor of Commerce (DCom) degree from the University of Stellenbosch, in recognition of his role in the development of statistics in the country and beyond. The university honoured Mr Lehohla for his trendsetting approach to statistics, innovative leadership and his commitment to enhancing   read more »

Announcement: changes in navigation on Stats SA’s website

Announcement: changes in navigation on Stats SA’s website

15 January 2016 In order to improve navigation on the home page of Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) website, the following changes will be done to the navigation scheme for the theme pages. Changes to theme page navigation Theme pages, which can be accessed from the Explore section on the front page of the website,   read more »

Education monograph

The education monograph provides an in-depth analysis of enrolment, educational attainment, progression, and education differentials based on post 1994 Censuses. Trend analysis is provided using time-plotting events, a technique where age proportions at one data collection point (Census 2011) is projected backwards. The findings on enrolment related indicators showed that among school going age (5-24),   read more »



Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) today launched the next in its suite of innovative products, designed to make information easily accessible. The original app was launched on 30 October 2012, simultaneous with the launch of the Census 2011 results, the first set of data that was made available on the app. Mobile phone technology has   read more »

Stats SA to release various population statistics at the 7th African Population Conference, Pretoria

27 November 2015 Media Invite Stats SA to release various population statistics at the 7th African Population Conference, Pretoria Statistics South Africa will release a number of population-related statistics and monograph reports during the third day of the UASP’s 7th African Population Conference which will be held in Pretoria from 30 November until 4 December   read more »

Measuring household expenditure on public transport

01 December 2015 Media Release Taxis most used mode of public transport Taxis are the commonly used mode of public transport in South Africa with just more than half (51,0%) of the households that use public transport (76,7%) relying on them, followed by busses (18,1%) and trains (7,6%). This was highlighted in the Measuring household   read more »

Victims of Crime Survey 2014/15

01 December 2015 Media Release Housebreaking on the rise as robbery drops South African households increasingly feel that the levels of violent and property crimes are increasing and this makes it unsafe to walk in parks or even allow their children to play freely in their neighbourhoods, this is according to the results of the   read more »

GENDER SERIES VOLUME II: Education, 2004-2014

Media Release GENDER SERIES VOLUME II: Education, 2004-2014 The purpose of this report was to assess the country’s progress towards achieving improved access to and quality of education through a gender lens. The general analyses in the report covered trends over a 10 year period (2004 and 2014). The period of data analysis largely depended   read more »