Monthly Archives: March 2015

The decreasing importance of gold mining in South Africa

The decreasing importance of gold mining in South Africa

Monthly gold production reached a new monthly low in January, according to data released by Stats SA1. Although a number of temporary factors might have contributed to the unusually low level, general historical trends show that gold has lost the prominent place it once had in the South African economy. Stats SA has published comparable   read more »

Electricity production down in January

Less electricity was generated in South Africa in January 2015 compared with January 2014, according to preliminary results. The volume of electricity produced fell by 1,5%. The volume of electricity available for distribution also decreased, falling by 1,3% year-on-year. Electricity production dropped by 1,5% from 21 090 GWh (gigawatt-hours) in January 2014 to 20 769 GWh January   read more »