
Quick Fact

2,37% Population growth rate (2001 – 2011).

Quick Fact Image 2,37% Growth Rate

Kgatelopele Local Municipality is a category B municipality found in the Northern Cape. It was formerly known as Danielskuil Municipal District. This region includes the towns of Danielskuil and Lime Acres. Kgatelopele is a Setswana name that means “progress”.

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211 ranking by population size
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Inkwanca , Eastern Cape 21,971 208
Siyathemba , Northern Cape 21,591 209
Hantam , Northern Cape 21,578 210
Kgatelopele , Northern Cape 18,687 211
Ubuntu , Northern Cape 18,601 212
Baviaans , Eastern Cape 17,761 213
!Kheis , Northern Cape 16,637 214
Quick Fact

12,2% of those 20+ have no schooling.

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The Kgatelopele Local Municipalityhasa total population of 18 687.Female-headed householdsstand at 29,7%, and there are 102,8 males per 100 females. The most commonly spoken language is Afrikaans at 58% and is followed by Setswanaat 33%.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Population GroupsBlack AfricanColouredIndian/AsianWhiteOtherStatistics South Africa
Group Percentage
Black African49,9%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Sex and Age DistributionMaleFemale0-45-910-1415-1920-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960-6465-6970-7475-7980-8485+6%5.5%5%4.5%4%3.5%3%2.5%2%1.5%1%0.5%0%0.5%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%3.5%4%4.5%5%5.5%6%6.5%Statistics South Africa
Age Males Females
0-4 5% 5,6%
5-9 5% 4,8%
10-14 4,7% 4,4%
15-19 4,9% 4,2%
20-24 4,5% 4,6%
25-29 5% 4,7%
30-34 4,4% 3,8%
35-39 3,4% 3,2%
40-44 3,1% 3,2%
45-49 3% 3%
50-54 2,8% 2,3%
55-59 1,9% 1,8%
60-64 1,2% 1,3%
65-69 0,7% 0,9%
70-74 0,5% 0,7%
75-79 0,3% 0,3%
80-84 0,1% 0,2%
85+ 0,1% 0,2%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4LanguagesAfrikaansEnglishIsiNdebeleIsiXhosaIsiZuluSepediSesothoSetswanaSign LanguageSiSwatiTshivendaXitsongaOtherNot Applicable0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%Statistics South Africa
Language Percentage
Afrikaans 57,9%
English 2,8%
IsiNdebele 0,4%
IsiXhosa 1,6%
IsiZulu 1,3%
Sepedi 0,2%
Sesotho 0,8%
Setswana 32,5%
Sign Language 0,9%
SiSwati 0,2%
Tshivenda 0,1%
Xitsonga 0,1%
Other 0.6%
Not Applicable 0,6%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Marital StatusMarriedLiving TogetherNever MarriedWidower/WidowSeparatedDivorcedStatistics South Africa
Group Percentage
Married 25,8%
Living together like married partners 7,8%
Never married 61,9%
Widower/Widow 3,3%
Separated 0,3%
Divorced 1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Highest Educational Level (All Ages)No SchoolingSome PrimaryCompletedPrimarySomeSecondaryCompletedSecondaryHigherEducationNot Applicable0%2.5%5%7.5%10%12.5%15%17.5%20%22.5%25%27.5%30%32.5%35%37.5%40%42.5%45%47.5%Statistics South Africa
Group Percentage
No Schooling 3,8%
Some Primary 44,5%
Completed Primary 6%
Some Secondary 30,4%
Completed Secondary 14,1%
Higher Education 1,1%
Not Applicable 0,1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4SexMaleFemaleStatistics South Africa
Sex Percentage
Female 49,3%
Male 50,7%
Quick Fact

91,7% Use electricity for lighting.


Quick Fact Image

Danielskuil boasts many different historical sites. For an informative historical day trip, make your way to Wonderwerk Cave just 40km outside Danielskuil where proof of human existence dating back 800 000 years can be discovered and explored. Archaeological research at this massive cave site has revealed and proved an immensely long record of human and environmental history, spanning hundreds of thousands of years. This mystical cave, as well as its surroundings, forms a conservation area with several distinctive features of the gorgeous Kuruman Hills. The site is open to the public and includes an interpretative centre nearby the cave. Other historical sites include the Vermeulen grave, Dutch Reformed Church, Old Town Hall and many more. Danielskuil boasts rather warm summers, beautiful landscapes and superb amenities. It’s a rather tranquil town where the people have formed a united community, and boasts an abundance of beauty as well as a rich cultural heritage.

It has about 5 381 households and the population’s electricity access is quite high (91,66%). Of the households, 98,0% have access to water and 93,2% of the population has access to a flush toilet. Access to internet facilities isstanding at 34,8%,  and92,1 % has access to refuse removal.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Settlement TypeUrban areaTribal/Traditional areaFarmStatistics South Africa
Area Percentage
Urban 97%
Tribal/Traditional 0%
Farm 3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Household GoodsYesNoCellphoneComputerTelevisionSatellite TelevisionRadioLandline/TelephoneMotor CarRefrigeratorElectric/Gas-Stove0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Item Yes No
Cellphone 87,8% 12,2%
Computer 21,1% 78,9%
Television 75,9% 24,1%
Satellite Television 31% 69%
Radio 65,4% 34,6%
Landline / Telephone 12,7% 87,3%
Motor Car 34,8% 65,2%
Refrigerator 70,8% 29,2%
Electric / Gas-Stove 85,5% 14,5%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Energy or fuel for cooking, heating & lightingElectricityGasParaffinSolarCandlesWoodCoalAnimal DungOtherNoneCookingHeatingLighting0%25%50%75%100%Statistics South Africa
Energy Source Cooking Heating Lighting
Electricity 88,9% 78,9% 91,7%
Gas 2,5% 0,7% 0,1%
Paraffin 2,8% 0,5% 0,3%
Solar 0,2% 0,2% 0,6%
Candles 0% 0% 6,9%
Wood 5,3% 15,4% 0%
Coal 0% 0,2% 0%
Animal Dung 0% 0,1% 0%
Other 0,2% 0% 0%
None 0,2% 4% 0,4%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Access to InternetFrom HomeFrom CellphoneFrom WorkFrom ElsewhereNo AccessStatistics South Africa
Access Percentage
From Home 7,6%
From Cellphone 18,7%
From Work 4,2%
From Elsewhere 4,3%
No Access 65,1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Tenure StatusRentedOwned andfully paid offOwned butnot yetpaid offOccupiedrent freeOtherStatistics South Africa
Tenure Status Percentage
Rented 33,1%
Owned and fully paid off 29,6%
Owned but not yet paid off 6,5%
Occupied rent free 27,2%
Other 3,6%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Source of WaterRegional/Localwater schemeBoreholeSpringRain water tankDam/Pool/StagnantwaterRiver/StreamWater vendorWater tankerOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Source of water Percentage
Regional/Local water scheme (operated by municipality or other water services provider) 86,9%
Borehole 9%
Spring 0,2%
Rain water tank 0,1%
Dam/Pool/Stagnant water 0,6%
River/Stream 0,1%
Water vendor 0,1%
Water tanker 1,8%
Other 1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Toilet FacilitiesNoneFlush toilet (connected tosewerage system)Flush toilet (with septictank)Chemical toiletPit toilet with ventilationPit toilet withoutventilationBucket toiletOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Toilet Facility Percentage
None 2,3%
Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) 89,2%
Flush toilet (with septic tank) 4%
Chemical toilet 0,7%
Pit toilet with ventilation 0,8%
Pit toilet without ventilation 0,6%
Bucket toilet 1,2%
Other 1,1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Refuse DisposalRemoved by localauthority/private companyat least once a weekRemoved by localauthority/private companyless oftenCommunal refuse dumpOwn refuse dumpNo rubbish disposalOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%Statistics South Africa
Refuse Disposal Percentage
Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week 91,7%
Removed by local authority/private company less often 0,5%
Communal refuse dump 0,1%
Own refuse dump 6,2%
No rubbish disposal 1,2%
Other 0,3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Refuse DisposalRemoved by localauthority/private companyat least once a weekRemoved by localauthority/private companyless oftenCommunal refuse dumpOwn refuse dumpNo rubbish disposalOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%Statistics South Africa
Refuse Disposal Percentage
Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week 91,7%
Removed by local authority/private company less often 0,5%
Communal refuse dump 0,1%
Own refuse dump 6,2%
No rubbish disposal 1,2%
Other 0,3%
Quick Fact

29,1% Youth unemployment rate.

Quick Fact Image

Large-scale mining of lime at Danielskuil has led to growth and development.

Typically, mining and agriculture are the largest employment creators.

“Evaporating gravestones” near Danielskuil was the first clue to the rich limestone deposits found at what was to become the mining village of Lime Acres.

The wonderful discovery of diamonds in Kimberley led to colonization of Griqualand by the English authorities in Cape Town. Subsequently, the Griqua people became scattered. The town of Danielskuil obtained official status in 1892. For over 80 years after that, Danielskuil mainly provided support for the farming community.

The rather large-scale mining of lime at Danielskuil has led to its growth and development. Since 1974, Idwala Limes has been mining the lime deposits dating back 200 million years. Over 5 million tons of stone is mined annually.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Employment for those aged 15-64EmployedUnemployedDiscouraged Work SeekerNot Economically Active0200040006000Statistics South Africa
Employment Status Number
Employed 5365
Unemployed 1544
Discouraged Work Seeker 474
Not Economically Active 5029
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Average Household IncomeNo incomeR1 - R4,800R4,801 - R9,600R9,601 - R19,600R19,601 - R38,200R38,201 - R76,400R76,401 - R153,800R153,801 - R307,600R307,601 - R614,400R614,001 - R1,228,800R1,228,801 - R2,457,600R2,457,601+0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%21%Statistics South Africa
Income Percentage
None income 9,8%
R1 - R4,800 2,7%
R4,801 - R9,600 4,4%
R9,601 - R19,600 16,3%
R19,601 - R38,200 19,7%
R38,201 - R76,4000 16,2%
R76,401 - R153,800 14,4%
R153,801 - R307,600 9,8%
R307,601 - R614,400 4,7%
R614,001 - R1,228,800 1,3%
R1,228,801 - R2,457,600 0,5%
R2,457,601+ 0,2%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4PercentageAgricultural households in specific activity18,128,511,726,115,6LivestockPoultryVegetableOther cropsOther051015202530Source: Stats SA
Agricultural households
Type of specific activity Number
Livestock production 258
Poultry production 406
Vegetable production 167
Production of other crops 371
Other 222

**An agricultural household may engage in more than one agricultural activity

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Agricultural households by type of activity45%37%14%4%Source: Stats SA
Agricultural households
Type of activity Number
Crops only 350
Animals only 421
Mixed farming 132
Other 33

**An agricultural household may not fall under more than one agricultural activity

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4PercentageIncome category of agricultural households18,60,950,224,34,70,0No incomeR1-R4 800R4 801-R38 400R38 401-R307 200R307 201+50102030405060Source: Stats SA
Income category of agricultural households
Annual income category of agricultural household heads Number
No income 174
R1-R4 800 8
R4 801-R38 400 470
R38 401-R307 200 227
R307 201+ 44
Unspecified 12

Place names

Places in Kgatelopele Municipality

Key Statistics 2011

Total population18,687
Young (0-14)29,5%
Working Age (15-64)66,4%
Elderly (65+)4,1%
Dependency ratio50,6
Sex ratio102,8
Growth rate2,37% (2001-2011)
Population density8 persons/km2
Unemployment rate22,3%
Youth unemployment rate29,1%
No schooling aged 20+12,2%
Higher education aged 20+9,1%
Matric aged 20+25,5%
Number of households5,381
Number of Agricultural households937
Average household size3,4
Female headed households29,7%
Formal dwellings89,7%
Housing owned/paying off36,1%
Flush toilet connected to sewerage89,2%
Weekly refuse removal91,7%
Piped water inside dwelling74,4%
Electricity for lighting91,7%

Key Statistics 2001

Total population14,743
Young (0-14)31,8%
Working Age (15-64)66,4%
Elderly (65+)3,5%
Dependency ratio54,5%
Sex ratio99,9
Growth rate-1,78% (2001-2011)
Unemployment rate31,1%
Youth unemployment rate43,8%
No schooling aged 20+20,5%
Higher education aged 20+6,8%
Matric aged 20+19,6%
Number of households3,585
Average household size3,8
Female headed households29,1%
Formal dwellings87,8%
Housing owned/paying off48,6%
Flush toilet connected to sewerage80,7%
Weekly refuse removal78,6%
Piped water inside dwelling57,8%
Electricity for lighting84,7%