Kagisano Molopo

Quick Fact

According to Census 2011 the total population is 105,789.

Quick Fact Image 0,52% Growth rate

Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality (NW397), is approximately 23 827 km².The municipal name, Kagisano Molopo, emanates from two former local municipalities, namely Kagisano and Molopo, which were mergedon 18 May 2011 to form what is now known as Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality (KMLP). The local municipality is located at the north-western corner of the NorthWest province.It borders the Republic of Botswana to the north, Joe Morolong Local Municipality in the Northern Cape to the south-west,Naledi Local Municipality to the south-east, and Ratlou Local Municipality to the east.

For the year 2013/14, the municipality runs at an estimated overall budget of R110 million (source: Kagisano Molopo IDP, 2012-2017).

Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality is a 100% rural municipality which consists of 77 villages under the leadership of a single paramount chief. There are seven local chiefs who operate from seven areas/villages, namely Morokweng, Tlakgameng, Tseoge, Mmadinonyane, Phaposane, Mabane and Kgokgoje villages. The 77 villages are divided into 15 political wards with a total of 30 ward councillors.

Kagisano Molopo is the second largest local municipality in terms of population size within Dr Ruth SegomotsiMompati District. As per Census 2011 results, the total population stood at 105 789, which constitutes 22,8% of the entire district’s population. The municipal population size increased from 100 469 in 2001 to 105 789 in 2011.

Rank By:
106 ranking by population size
  Rank view all
Molemole , Limpopo 108,321 103
Ratlou , North West 107,339 104
uMshwathi , KwaZulu-Natal 106,374 105
Kagisano Molopo , North West 105,789 106
Indaka , KwaZulu-Natal 103,116 107
Umvoti , KwaZulu-Natal 103,093 108
Dannhauser , KwaZulu-Natal 102,161 109
Quick Fact

According to Census 2011 the 14% of the population aged 20+ have Matric.

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Setswana is the language most spoken within the municipality at 91,3%, followed by Afrikaans (3,4%).  A total of 96% of the municipal population classify themselves as black Africans, with 2,1%, 1,4% and 0,2% classifying themselves as white, coloured and Asian/Indian respectively. Of the population, 52% are female and 48% are male.A high proportion of the municipal population, 74%, has never been married, with only 14,4% married and 7,6% not married but living together like married partners.

A greater proportion of Kagisano Molopo is aged 0–14 years (37,6%), followed by those aged 15–34 years(30,8%).Those aged 35–64 years account for 25,6%, and those aged 65 years and above account for 6% of the entire municipal population. The population pyramid of the municipality is typical for developing countries.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Population GroupsBlack AfricanColouredIndian/AsianWhiteOtherStatistics South Africa
Group Percentage
Black African96%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Sex and Age DistributionMaleFemale0-45-910-1415-1920-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960-6465-6970-7475-7980-8485+9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1%0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%Statistics South Africa
Age Males Females
0-4 7,3% 7,1%
5-9 6,3% 6,1%
10-14 5,5% 5,3%
15-19 5,5% 5,1%
20-24 3,6% 4%
25-29 3,2% 3,6%
30-34 2,6% 3,2%
35-39 2,5% 3,1%
40-44 2,2% 2,7%
45-49 2,1% 2,1%
50-54 1,9% 2,3%
55-59 1,6% 1,9%
60-64 1,3% 1,4%
65-69 1% 1,2%
70-74 0,7% 0,8%
75-79 0,4% 0,6%
80-84 0,2% 0,4%
85+ 0,2% 0,5%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4LanguagesAfrikaansEnglishIsiNdebeleIsiXhosaIsiZuluSepediSesothoSetswanaSign LanguageSiSwatiTshivendaXitsongaOtherNot Applicable0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Language Percentage
Afrikaans 3,4%
English 1,6%
IsiNdebele 0,9%
IsiXhosa 0,2%
IsiZulu 0,7%
Sepedi 0,2%
Sesotho 0,4%
Setswana 90%
Sign Language 0,3%
SiSwati 0%
Tshivenda 0%
Xitsonga 0,1%
Other 1.8%
Not Applicable 0,4%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Marital StatusMarriedLiving TogetherNever MarriedWidower/WidowSeparatedDivorcedStatistics South Africa
Group Percentage
Married 14,4%
Living together like married partners 7,6%
Never married 74%
Widower/Widow 3,1%
Separated 0,4%
Divorced 0,4%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Highest Educational Level (All Ages)No SchoolingSome PrimaryCompletedPrimarySomeSecondaryCompletedSecondaryHigherEducationNot Applicable0%2.5%5%7.5%10%12.5%15%17.5%20%22.5%25%27.5%30%32.5%35%37.5%40%42.5%45%47.5%50%52.5%55%57.5%Statistics South Africa
Group Percentage
No Schooling 6,3%
Some Primary 54,1%
Completed Primary 6,7%
Some Secondary 26,3%
Completed Secondary 5,8%
Higher Education 0,5%
Not Applicable 0,3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4SexMaleFemaleStatistics South Africa
Sex Percentage
Female 51,9%
Male 48,1%
Quick Fact

73,8% of households have access to electricity for lighting.

Quick Fact Image 74% Electricity

Although about 88% of the dwelling units/structures are built from bricks/concrete blocks, and the average household size is only about four people per household, the municipality is faced with challenges such as absence of mail delivery services.Only 6,9% of the population indicated that they had the privilege of their mail being delivered to their residence, and only 29% had access to a mailbox The municipality has a community transport system problem, where communities mostly depend on pick-up vans and lifts from private car owners to transport them from one village to the other.There is no coordinated transport system that joins the municipality with neighbouring municipalities within the district, such as taxis, buses etc. A total of 14,7% of households within the municipality had access to their own motor vehicle.

It should be noted that, even though the unemployment rate in 2011 stood at 30%, there has been a significant improvement compared to 2001, when the municipal unemployment rate stood at 39%.

As far as other major services are concerned, in 2011 74% of households had access to electricity, compared to 64% in 2001. Of households who have access to electricity, 74% use it for lighting, 38% use it for heating and about 52% for cooking.

Only 10,8% of the households within the municipality had access to a flush toilet, of which 7,5%  had access to a flush toilet connected to a sewage system and 3,3%  had accessto a flush toilet with a septic tank

As the municipality is rural, only 1% of the municipal households had their refuse disposal removed by the municipality, whereas over 89% use their own refuse dump.

95,7% of households had access to piped (tap) water. Of these, 18,6% had access inside their dwelling units, 29,3% had access inside their yards, 31,4% access tap water on a community stand that is less than 200m from their yards, 11,1% travel between 200m and 500m to access tap water, while a total of 5,3% travel 500m and more to access tap water.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Settlement TypeUrban areaTribal/Traditional areaFarmStatistics South Africa
Area Percentage
Urban 5%
Tribal/Traditional 79,8%
Farm 15,2%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Household GoodsYesNoCellphoneComputerTelevisionSatellite TelevisionRadioLandline/TelephoneMotor CarRefrigeratorElectric/Gas-Stove0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%105%Statistics South Africa
Item Yes No
Cellphone 78,9% 21,1%
Computer 5,5% 94,5%
Television 54,7% 45,3%
Satellite Television 10,1% 89,9%
Radio 50,1% 49,9%
Landline / Telephone 2,2% 97,8%
Motor Car 14,7% 85,3%
Refrigerator 49% 51%
Electric / Gas-Stove 61,7% 38,3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Energy or fuel for cooking, heating & lightingElectricityGasParaffinSolarCandlesWoodCoalAnimal DungOtherNoneCookingHeatingLighting0%25%50%75%100%Statistics South Africa
Energy Source Cooking Heating Lighting
Electricity 51,9% 38,3% 73,8%
Gas 3,2% 1,1% 0,1%
Paraffin 3,8% 1,6% 0,9%
Solar 0,1% 0,1% 0,3%
Candles 0% 0% 24,6%
Wood 40,1% 50,6% 0%
Coal 0,1% 0,2% 0%
Animal Dung 0,6% 0,6% 0%
Other 0% 0% 0%
None 0,2% 7,5% 0,3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Access to InternetFrom HomeFrom CellphoneFrom WorkFrom ElsewhereNo AccessStatistics South Africa
Access Percentage
From Home 1,8%
From Cellphone 10,9%
From Work 1,4%
From Elsewhere 2,8%
No Access 83%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Tenure StatusRentedOwned andfully paid offOwned butnot yetpaid offOccupiedrent freeOtherStatistics South Africa
Tenure Status Percentage
Rented 9,8%
Owned and fully paid off 50,8%
Owned but not yet paid off 4,6%
Occupied rent free 32,8%
Other 2%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Source of WaterRegional/Localwater schemeBoreholeSpringRain water tankDam/Pool/StagnantwaterRiver/StreamWater vendorWater tankerOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%Statistics South Africa
Source of water Percentage
Regional/Local water scheme (operated by municipality or other water services provider) 56,5%
Borehole 33,2%
Spring 0,5%
Rain water tank 0,2%
Dam/Pool/Stagnant water 1,1%
River/Stream 0%
Water vendor 0,3%
Water tanker 6,4%
Other 1,9%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Toilet FacilitiesNoneFlush toilet (connected tosewerage system)Flush toilet (with septictank)Chemical toiletPit toilet with ventilationPit toilet withoutventilationBucket toiletOther0%2.5%5%7.5%10%12.5%15%17.5%20%22.5%25%27.5%30%32.5%35%37.5%40%42.5%45%47.5%Statistics South Africa
Toilet Facility Percentage
None 15,2%
Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) 7,5%
Flush toilet (with septic tank) 3,3%
Chemical toilet 5%
Pit toilet with ventilation 43,3%
Pit toilet without ventilation 23,2%
Bucket toilet 0,3%
Other 2,3%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Refuse DisposalRemoved by localauthority/private companyat least once a weekRemoved by localauthority/private companyless oftenCommunal refuse dumpOwn refuse dumpNo rubbish disposalOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Refuse Disposal Percentage
Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week 1%
Removed by local authority/private company less often 0,3%
Communal refuse dump 1,2%
Own refuse dump 89,2%
No rubbish disposal 6,8%
Other 1,5%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Refuse DisposalRemoved by localauthority/private companyat least once a weekRemoved by localauthority/private companyless oftenCommunal refuse dumpOwn refuse dumpNo rubbish disposalOther0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%Statistics South Africa
Refuse Disposal Percentage
Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week 1%
Removed by local authority/private company less often 0,3%
Communal refuse dump 1,2%
Own refuse dump 89,2%
No rubbish disposal 6,8%
Other 1,5%
Quick Fact

30,2% Unemployment rate.

Quick Fact Image

Kagisano Molopo is an agriculture-based municipality, farming both livestock and crops. It boasts production of potatoes, peanuts, cabbage, carrots and onions amongst crops, and breeds cattle, sheep and goats amongst live-=stock. Most of the crops produced are exported to neighbouring provinces, such as the Northern Cape and neighbouring countries such as Namibia and Botswana, as raw materials for consumption and/or further processing. Thus, a large portion of income is derived from the agricultural sector which is mainly owned by individual farmers/corporations. The majority of the inhabitants are employed in the agricultural sector. There is also subsistence farming by villagers who at times sell their produce to generate household income.

There are also a few government sector departments (sub-district offices) that also contribute to the employment of the municipal population. The retail trade industry also contributes, though not significantly so, as there are a few major retailers in the area, namely Shoprite and Cash Build.

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Employment for those aged 15-64EmployedUnemployedDiscouraged Work SeekerNot Economically Active010000200003000040000Statistics South Africa
Employment Status Number
Employed 14792
Unemployed 6405
Discouraged Work Seeker 5150
Not Economically Active 33397
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Average Household IncomeNo incomeR1 - R4,800R4,801 - R9,600R9,601 - R19,600R19,601 - R38,200R38,201 - R76,400R76,401 - R153,800R153,801 - R307,600R307,601 - R614,400R614,001 - R1,228,800R1,228,801 - R2,457,600R2,457,601+0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%20%22%24%26%28%30%Statistics South Africa
Income Percentage
None income 17,7%
R1 - R4,800 6%
R4,801 - R9,600 11,9%
R9,601 - R19,600 26,9%
R19,601 - R38,200 20,4%
R38,201 - R76,4000 7,7%
R76,401 - R153,800 4,6%
R153,801 - R307,600 3,2%
R307,601 - R614,400 1%
R614,001 - R1,228,800 0,3%
R1,228,801 - R2,457,600 0,1%
R2,457,601+ 0,1%
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4PercentageAgricultural households in specific activity42,735,14,76,211,4LivestockPoultryVegetableOther cropsOther01020304050Source: Stats SA
Agricultural households
Type of specific activity Number
Livestock production 7,759
Poultry production 6,373
Vegetable production 862
Production of other crops 1,124
Other 2,065

**An agricultural household may engage in more than one agricultural activity

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Agricultural households by type of activity81%14%3%2%Source: Stats SA
Agricultural households
Type of activity Number
Crops only 249
Animals only 9,598
Mixed farming 1,622
Other 371

**An agricultural household may not fall under more than one agricultural activity

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4PercentageIncome category of agricultural households38,32,548,38,21,30,0No incomeR1-R4 800R4 801-R38 400R38 401-R307 200R307 201+50102030405060Source: Stats SA
Income category of agricultural households
Annual income category of agricultural household heads Number
No income 4,529
R1-R4 800 291
R4 801-R38 400 5,720
R38 401-R307 200 969
R307 201+ 155
Unspecified 176

Place names

Places in Kagisano Molopo Municipality

Key Statistics 2011

Total population105,789
Young (0-14)37,6%
Working Age (15-64)56,5%
Elderly (65+)5,9%
Dependency ratio77,1
Sex ratio92,8
Growth rate0,52% (2001-2011)
Population density4 persons/km2
Unemployment rate30,2%
Youth unemployment rate38,8%
No schooling aged 20+28,6%
Higher education aged 20+4,5%
Matric aged 20+14%
Number of households28,531
Number of Agricultural households11,840
Average household size3,6
Female headed households47,8%
Formal dwellings89%
Housing owned/paying off55,4%
Flush toilet connected to sewerage7,5%
Weekly refuse removal1%
Piped water inside dwelling11,3%
Electricity for lighting73,8%

Key Statistics 2001

Total population100,469
Young (0-14)39,8%
Working Age (15-64)56,5%
Elderly (65+)5%
Dependency ratio81%
Sex ratio89,6
Growth rate0,54% (2001-2011)
Unemployment rate39%
Youth unemployment rate46,1%
No schooling aged 20+45,2%
Higher education aged 20+3,1%
Matric aged 20+8,5%
Number of households24,811
Average household size4
Female headed households48,3%
Formal dwellings82,7%
Housing owned/paying off50,3%
Flush toilet connected to sewerage7%
Weekly refuse removal1,6%
Piped water inside dwelling8,3%
Electricity for lighting64,1%