Category Archives: Poverty

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Labour migration, the movement of individuals across the borders for employment purposes, is a fundamental aspect of the global economy and has profound social, economic, and political implications. According to the report, Migration profile report for South Africa: A country profile 2023 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), most migrants entering South Africa originate   read more »

Experience of crime in SA increased over the 2021/22 period

Experience of crime in SA increased over the 2021/22 period

Over the past few years, South Africa has seen rising levels of crime. The issue of crime is one that is experienced by almost all citizens, irrespective of their economic status or where they live. New data released by Statistics South Africa shows that household crimes experienced in the twelve months preceding the interview increased   read more »

Bucket toilets increase in 2020

Bucket toilets increase in 2020

After six years of steady decline, the number of consumer units serviced with a municipal bucket toilet jumped from 42 434 in 2019 to 47 130 in 2020. Increases were reported in seven of South Africa’s 257 municipalities. This represents a rise of 4 696 consumer units, according to data from the latest Non-financial census of municipalities statistical   read more »

Money CAN buy happiness!

Money CAN buy happiness!

  What is poverty and what does it mean to be poor? Does it mean not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter? Does it mean not being able to afford to buy a car or furniture for your home or even go on holiday because your income does not   read more »

Formal non-agricultural sector jobs increase in the 4th quarter 2020

Formal non-agricultural sector jobs increase in the 4th quarter 2020

Jobs in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 76 000 in the fourth quarter of 2020, bringing the total number of persons employed in the formal non-agricultural sector in South Africa to approximately 9,64 million. This is according to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q4:2020) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). Year-on-year, formal sector   read more »

South Africa’s poor little children

South Africa’s poor little children

In 2015, the South African population was estimated at 55 million people, of which 19,7 million were children aged less than 18 years (0–17). According to a new report released by Statistics South Africa, Child poverty in South Africa: A Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis, more than 6 out of 10 (62,1%) children aged 0–17 years   read more »

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country to assist government and other stakeholders in their response to the crisis. The second round of the survey (Wave 2) focused on employment, income and hunger-related issues   read more »

The Extent of Food Security in South Africa

The Extent of Food Security in South Africa

Did you know that in 2017, 6,8 million South Africans experienced hunger? While the number has dropped from 13,5 million in 2002, it still affects 1,7 million households across the country. These figures were released in a recent survey, “Towards measuring the extent of food security in South Africa: An examination of hunger and food   read more »