What’s the deal with seasonal adjustment? Take retail trade. Every year Christmas shoppers hit the stores in November and December, pushing up sales. This seasonal pattern is strong and familiar, but it tends to hide other unusual phenomena that might be lurking, unseen, in the data. Explore seasonal adjustment, as well as other stories, in read more »
After decreasing steadily for eight months, annual bread and cereals inflation jumped to 3,7% in February from 1,5% in January. The monthly change was also significant: prices climbed by 2,4% between January and February, representing the biggest monthly increase for this category since the beginning of 2019. Explore food inflation, as well as other stories, read more »
Consumers breathed a little easier in January as headline inflation dipped to 5,7% from 5,9% in December. The softer rate was the result of lower fuel prices that decreased by 2,8% from record highs in December. Prices for passenger transport were also lower. Explore inflation, as well as other stories, in this edition of Stats read more »
The composition of the inflation basket tells us a lot about the spending patterns of consumers. In the most recent update of the basket, fourteen new items were added, while two items were removed. Gin, which has become a more popular beverage in recent times, is one of the new items. Explore the inflation basket, read more »
Trying to make sense of all the elements that make up the petrol price can be quite daunting. There are up to 13 different charges, depending on the type of fuel and where you happen to live. Stats SA provides a breakdown of what you are paying at the pump. Explore the price of petrol, read more »
It might come as a surprise to learn that South Africa has data on protected land going back as far as 1900. National Parks, Nature Reserves and other types of protected areas have grown and expanded over time. In October, Stats SA – in partnership with the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and other read more »
We are all keenly aware of the electricity challenges our country is facing. A detailed report from Stats SA provides a number of key facts about the electricity, gas & water supply industry, covering data on the nation’s energy mix, electricity production, and employment. Explore statistics on the supply of electricity, gas and water, as read more »
Any statistical agency worth its salt should periodically revisit the way in which it measures the economy. Stats SA has finalised a comprehensive overhaul of its national accounts, providing a far more relevant and reliable measure of gross domestic product (GDP). Explore rebasing and benchmarking, as well as other stories, in this edition of Stats read more »
What makes Stats SA’s Financial census of municipalities report so interesting is that it provides an idea of how financially dependent municipalities are on national government. The latest data show that the share of income that municipalities generate on their own has increased slightly since 2017, but there is more to this finding than meets read more »
Many nations measure population and economic growth. Until recently, few have paid attention to the natural environment. In June, South Africa reached another milestone in strengthening its production of environmental statistics with the release of the National Natural Capital Accounting Strategy. Explore Natural Capital Accounting, as well as other stories, in this edition of Stats read more »