Category Archives: Fieldworker

Fieldworker – June/July 2014 release

Fieldworker – June/July 2014 release

Inside this edition: North West municipal stats p2; The state of the youth in SA p3; South Africa – 20 years of progress p4-5; Monthly economic statistics p6; Business surveys: How economic data is collected p7; Crossword & Trivia p8.

Fieldworker – April/May 2014 release

Fieldworker – April/May 2014 release

Inside this edition: Inside this edition: What is the Master Sample? p2; All about household statistics p3; Victims of crime: Housebreakings and home robberies p4; Monthly economic statistics p6; The dynamics of travel in SA p7; Test your knowledge p8.

Fieldworker – February 2014/March 2014 release

Fieldworker – February 2014/March 2014 release

Inside this edition: Business Register  at the heart of economic statistics  p2; ‘The  struggle for a better life is not over p3; State of the vulnerable p4-5; Economic info at your fingertips p6; Timeline to democracy p7; Test your knowledge p8

Fieldworker – December 2013/January 2014 release

Fieldworker – December 2013/January 2014 release

Inside this edition: In-depth look at SA’s job market p2; 2015 MDG’s on track p3; Provinces at a glance p4-5; Basic service delivery facts and figures p6; 20 years of freedom and democracy p7; Test your knowledge p8

Fieldworker – October/November 2013 release

Fieldworker – October/November 2013 release

Inside this edition: Measuring 10 years of progress 2, The faces behind the figures 2, The South Africa I know, the home I understand 4, How does my  community compare 5, State spending boosts economy 6, Celebrating our heritage 7, Test your knowledge 8

Fieldworker – August/September 2013 release

Fieldworker – August/September 2013 release

Inside this edition: The Stats Act and you 2, Kicking off a passion for numbers 3, Gender counts: Women in Statistics 4-5, Building a future in construction 6, Bringing data to life 7, Test your knowledge 8

Fieldworker – June/July 2013 release

Fieldworker – June/July 2013 release

Inside this edition: How to access statistics 2, What South Africans die of 3, The power of place 4, Empowering communities 5, Surveys in your area 6, What is GDP? 7, Test your knowledge 8