Category Archives: Mbalo Brief

Mbalo Brief – June 2013

The month of June is known for cold weather conditions as it marks the beginning of the winter season. To South Africans, June is known as “Youth Month” as it commemorates the youth that raised their voices against the previous government’s education policies. This is the month in which the Soweto uprising occurred 37 years   read more »

Mbalo Brief – May 2013

South Africa just recently hosted the 2013 Tourism Indaba in Durban from 11 to 14 May 2013. The main focus of the Indaba was to pursue the growth of South Africa’s tourism industry and to strengthen existing partnerships while establishing new ones. South Africa stands out as a tourist destination mostly because of its friendly,   read more »

Mbalo Brief – April 2013

With the conclusion of the 5th summit of the BRICS countries at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban, it is starting to sink in among many South Africans that their country is a member state of this emerging economic group. BRICS is an economic grouping of five emerging markets comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.   read more »

Mbalo Brief – March 2013

The 21st of March is celebrated as Human Rights Day in South Africa. It has been 43 years since 69 protestors were shot and killed in Sharpeville when they embarked on an anti-pass campaign. This day is in commemoration of those who died but it also serves as a reminder that you must be aware   read more »

Mbalo Brief – February 2013

It’s hard to believe that 2012 is behind us, the Libyan civil war has ended, and South Africa has managed to host the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) at such short notice. As we convey our complements of the new season with the first issue of Mbalo Brief in 2013, we would like to also remind you   read more »