Category Archives: Government finances

An overview of the non-profit sector in South Africa

An overview of the non-profit sector in South Africa

There were 127 032 non-profit institutions (NPIs) in 2014, according to a report released by Stats SA. Sourcing data from the Department of Social Development (DSD), the report offers an overview of the non-profit sector in South Africa, providing information on the various roles in which NPIs are involved, their income sources, and what they spend   read more »

Fewer companies going bust

Fewer companies going bust

Despite growing concern over the current state of the economy, recent data show that fewer companies closed down in 2014 compared to 2013. The good news is that this is a trend that has been happening for some time. According to the latest Statistics of liquidations and insolvencies report, released by Stats SA on Monday   read more »

A glimmer of hope in a time of darkness?

A glimmer of hope in a time of darkness?

With the current electricity supply problems gripping the country, some comfort can be drawn from recent financial data that indicates intensive investment in infrastructure by players in the electricity, gas and water supply industry. The recently published Quarterly financial statistics report, which provides a range of financial statistics on industries in the South African economy,   read more »

Municipalities spend more on electricity as tariffs rise

Municipalities spend more on electricity as tariffs rise

An increase in your electricity bill during the current spate of load shedding might put a damper on your holiday spirits, but recent financial data show that municipalities paid 10% more for electricity than they did a year ago. Stats SA’s latest release of the Quarterly financial statistics of municipalities report shows that municipalities spent   read more »

Business tax revenue struggles to recover to pre-recession highs

Business tax revenue struggles to recover to pre-recession highs

With last week’s income tax deadline still fresh in the minds of many South Africans, it is interesting to note that although the total amount of tax collected from individuals has been steadily increasing over the last four years, business tax hasn’t fared as well, with government receiving less tax from businesses in 2012/13 than   read more »

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

The total turnover measured for selected industries increased by 8,9%, from R6,4 trillion in 2012 to just under R7,0 trillion in 2013, despite a decrease of 11 324 enterprises between the two years1. Enterprises in the electricity, gas and water supply industry experienced the largest percentage increase in turnover (+12,5%). The results on what drives income   read more »

Higher education institutions record a 9,2% increase in collected tuition fees

Higher education institutions record a 9,2% increase in collected tuition fees

The amount of money received as tuition fees by South Africa’s 23 higher education institutions rose by 9,2%, from R16 billion in 2012 to R17 billion in 2013. This is according to data analysed for Stats SA’s latest Financial Statistics of Higher Education Institutions release. The University of Johannesburg recorded the highest increase (29,9%) in   read more »

Provincial governments continue to invest heavily in education and health

Provincial governments continue to invest heavily in education and health

Of the R395 billion spent by provincial government during the 2012/13 financial year, 43% (R170 billion) was spent on education, while 30% (R119 billion) was spent on health. This is one of the findings from the latest release of Stats SA’s Financial Statistics of Provincial Government report, published on 29 September 2014. The remaining R106   read more »

Electricity sales continue to be the major source of income for municipalities

Electricity sales continue to be the major source of income for municipalities

Municipal total income for the quarter ending June 2014 amounted to R68,4 billion; the main source of income was from sales of electricity, contributing 29,5% (R20,2 billion). This was one of the findings from the latest Quarterly Financial Statistics of Municipalities (QFSM) report, released on the 29th September. Other contributors to municipal income were grants   read more »

Public sector institutions continue to invest in infrastructure despite tough economic conditions

Public sector institutions continue to invest in infrastructure despite tough economic conditions

Capital expenditure by public sector institutions (national, provincial and local government, extra-budgetary, higher education and public sector institutions) increased by 4,8% (or R9,7 billion), from R202,8 billion in 2012 to R212,5 billion in 2013. A disaggregation of capital expenditure by type reveals increases on plant, machinery and equipment (up R10 billion from 2012), ‘other’ fixed   read more »