Category Archives: Modes of transport to school or work

Economy 0,1% weaker in the first quarter

Economy 0,1% weaker in the first quarter

Real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by a marginal 0,1% in the first quarter (January–March) of 2024.1 This followed a revised 0,3% increase in the fourth quarter of 2023. Weaker manufacturing, mining and construction drove much of the downward momentum on the production (supply) side of the economy, while the expenditure (demand) side witnessed a   read more »

10,1 million SA learners walk all the way to their educational institution

10,1 million SA learners walk all the way to their educational institution

The National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), 2020 results shows that ‘walking all the way’ remained the mode of travel that was most used by learners to reach their educational institution in all nine provinces. The survey, released by Statistics South Africa in collaboration with the Department of Transport, reports that about 10,1 million learners walked   read more »

EBA spending on transport declines

EBA spending on transport declines

The South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) and the Gautrain Management Agency were two of five transport institutions that cut spending in 2018/19. Total expenditure by extra-budgetary accounts and funds (EBAs) involved in transport fell by 3,5%, from R32,0 billion in 2017/18 to R30,9 billion in 2018/19.1 This is according to the latest Financial statistics of   read more »

National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)

Travel is a necessity South Africans travel from their homes to places of work, education, healthcare, for business, for leisure and social activities daily. Travel is a necessity. The increase in urbanisation and population numbers changes the demand for urban infrastructure and transport services. But, how can we know and understand transport needs and behaviour   read more »

Stats SA to ensure VAT change reflected in

MEDIA RELEASE 19 March 2018 Stats SA to ensure VAT change reflected in CPI The VAT increase to 15% on 1 April will affect the price of many of the items in the Consumer price index (CPI) basket. Retailers and service providers may adopt different approaches and timeframes to pass this increase onto their customers.   read more »

Media Release: Living Conditions Survey (LCS) 2014/2015

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                          27 January 2017   Living Conditions Survey 2014/2015 The total annual household consumption expenditure between October 2014 and October 2015 is estimated at R1,72 trillion and the average South African household spent approximately R103 293 during the survey year. The main components of this expenditure come from housing and utilities, transport, food, and   read more »

Media Invite: Large Sample Survey Reports

14 September 2015   Stats SA releases Large Sample Survey reports   The Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, will release the three following Large Sample Survey reports: 1. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply Industry (2013) – 10h00 The results presented in this publication were derived from the 2013 Electricity, gas and water supply industry large sample   read more »

Travel time most important when choosing transport

Travel time most important when choosing transport

Travel time is the factor that influenced most households’ choice of transport. This is just one of the findings of the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) in 2013 for the National Department of Transport. At a national level, 32,6% of households indicated that travel time was the primary   read more »