Category Archives: Expenditure and Income

Bucket toilets: an update

Bucket toilets: an update

The bucket toilet system remains a persistent phenomenon in seven of the nine provinces, despite measures to eradicate it. Where are bucket toilets still in use? And is South Africa succeeding in reducing its usage? Data from Stats SA’s latest Non-financial census of municipalities provides some insight into these questions. Eastern Cape boasts largest decrease   read more »

Enjoy your pint, but be aware of price…

Enjoy your pint, but be aware of price…

If you are thinking of celebrating international beer day on 7 August 2015 with your favourite pint, take a few moments to consider how this beverage might affect your pocket. South Africans love their beer. Households allocated 60% of their expenditure on alcoholic beverages to this type of drink, followed by wine (23%) and spirits   read more »

Higher education institutions record a 9,2% increase in collected tuition fees

Higher education institutions record a 9,2% increase in collected tuition fees

The amount of money received as tuition fees by South Africa’s 23 higher education institutions rose by 9,2%, from R16 billion in 2012 to R17 billion in 2013. This is according to data analysed for Stats SA’s latest Financial Statistics of Higher Education Institutions release. The University of Johannesburg recorded the highest increase (29,9%) in   read more »