
Statistics on tourists, December 2013 – Media Release

Media Release                                                                                                                   15 April 2014 Tourists visiting South Africa reached a record high of nearly one million in December 2013 alone A total of 937 792 tourists visited South Africa during December 2013, making it the highest ever recorded number of tourists in the country in any one month. This was an increase of 7,6%   read more »

Mbalo Brief – April 2014

On 27 April 1994, over 19 million South Africans of all races voted in the country’s first free and fair non-racial general elections. This milestone in the struggle for equality and human rights ended over three hundred years of racial segregation, colonialism and apartheid. Since 1995, the 27th of April has been celebrated in commemoration   read more »

Poverty Trends in South Africa

Press Statement                                                                                                          3 April 2014 Poverty Trends in South Africa South Africa winning war on poverty Poverty levels in the country have declined as the number of people living below the poverty line dropped since 2006. The Poverty Trends Report released by Statistics South Africa reveals that people   living below the food poverty line   read more »

Media Invite, Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa

Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa The Statistician-General Pali Lehohla, will release a report on Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa, on Wednesday April 9. The report draws data from the QLFS datasets of all quarters of the previous year and will review among others, employment patterns and trends; government job creation programmes; unemployment patterns   read more »

Fieldworker – April/May 2014 release

Fieldworker – April/May 2014 release

Inside this edition: Inside this edition: What is the Master Sample? p2; All about household statistics p3; Victims of crime: Housebreakings and home robberies p4; Monthly economic statistics p6; The dynamics of travel in SA p7; Test your knowledge p8.

Education: A roadmap out of poverty?

Education: A roadmap out of poverty?

Findings from the Poverty Trends in South Africa report released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) on Thursday showed a strong link between increased level of education and decreased levels of poverty. While the overall level of poverty has declined between 2006 and 2011, there are stark differences when one examines poverty status according to   read more »

Poor households spend a third of their income on food

Poor households spend a third of their income on food

Poor households spend on average R8 485 per annum on food, which accounts for roughly 34% of their total household expenditure. This contrasts sharply with non-poor households, who spend R14 020 on average per annum on food. This only constitutes 10% of their total household expenditure. These findings form part of the poverty trends report which Stats   read more »

Release of Poverty Trends Report (2006 to 2011) and the launch of the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI)

MEDIA INVITE Release of Poverty Trends Report (2006 to 2011) and the launch of the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) The Statistician-General, Pali Lehohla, will release a report on Poverty Trends (Report 03-10-06) on Thursday April 3. The report will review trends in poverty and inequality between 2006 and 2011 drawing on data collected   read more »

Agricultural households at municipality level: The case of Buffalo City vs. Mangaung

Agricultural households at municipality level: The case of Buffalo City vs. Mangaung

The 2011 population census included a set of questions designed to gather information about households that are involved in some form of agricultural activity. These results were made available on a provincial basis on 31 March 2014. Stats SA can now disseminate the information on a municipal level as well. To illustrate its use, the   read more »

Inflation just under the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) target ceiling

Inflation just under the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) target ceiling

Consumer inflation edged up to 5,9% in February, just under the SARB target ceiling of 6%, from the 5,8% recorded in January. The monthly increase was 1,1%. There were three main groups contributing to the upward pressure this month – food, petrol and health insurance. Food and non-alcoholic beverages inflation increased to 5,4%, from 3,5%    read more »