Key findings: Report-80-04-02 - Real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services industry , 2010


The total income for the `real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services` industry in 2010 was R739 697 million. The largest contributor to the total income was `real estate activities` (R127 398 million or 17%), followed by `business and management consultancy activities` (R69 634 million or 9%), `computer and related activities` (R67 156 million or 9%), and `activities auxiliary to financial intermediation` (R61 276 million or 8%) (Figure 1 and Table 3, page 10-11 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).
Large enterprises (those with turnover equal to or greater than R39 million) generated 59% or R429 401 million of the total income of the `real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services` industry, followed by small enterprises (18% or R135 188 million) and micro enterprises (14% or R106 563 million) (Figure 2 and Table 4, page 12-13 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).


Expenditure in the `real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services` industry in 2010 amounted to R645 462 million. The largest contributor to total expenditure was `salaries and wages` (R199 738 million or 31%), followed by `purchases`
(R142 029 million or 22%), `interest` (R58 435 million or 9%) and `subcontractor payments` (R41 684 million or 6%)  (Figure 5 and Table 6, page 16-19 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).


The total number of persons employed in the `real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services` industry at the end of June 2010 was 1 610 787. `Labour recruitment and provision of personnel` employed the largest number of persons (284 176 or 18%), followed by `Investigation and security activities` (240 845 or 15%), `building and industrial plant cleaning activities` (171 136 or 11%), and `real estate activities` (73 477 or 5%) (Figure 7 and Table 11, page 28-31 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).
The proportion of females out of the total persons employed was 40%. The industry with the highest proportion of females employed was `legal activities` (69%) (Figure 8 and Table 11,
page 28-31 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).
 Employment by enterprise size indicates that the large enterprises (those with a turnover equal to or greater than R39 million) had the highest number of employees (955 241 or 59%), followed by small enterprises (260 260 or 16%), micro enterprises (250 196 or 16%) and medium enterprises (145 090 or 9%) (Figure 9 and Table 12, page 32-33 of Report No.80-04-02 (2010)).