Key findings: Report-75-01-01 - Post and telecommunications industry, 2016


The total income for the post and telecommunications industry in 2016 was R314 887 million. The largest contributor to the total income was 'telecommunications' (R301 005 million or 96%), with 'post and associated courier activities' at R13 882 million or 4%.

The total income represents an increase of 6% per annum over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2013 (R265 027 million).


Expenditure in the post and telecommunications industry in 2016 amounted to R291 165 million. The expenditure consisted primarily of 'purchases' (R108 274 million or 37%), followed by 'Salaries and wages' (R35 338 million or 12%) and 'telecommunications services' (R31 004 million or 11%).

The expenditure represents an increase of 6% per annum over the expenditure reported in the corresponding survey of 2013 (R246 932 million).


The total number of persons employed in the post and telecommunications industry at the end of June 2016 was 94 744 employees. 'Telecommunications' employed the largest number of persons (58 407), followed by 'post and associated courier activities' (36 337). Employment in the post and telecommunications industry decreased by 3% per annum compared with the number of employees reported in the corresponding survey of 2013 (103 455).