Key findings: Report-71-02-01 - Transport and storage industry, 2013


The total income for the transport and storage industry in 2013 was R401 869 million. The largest contributor to the total income was ‘activities of other transport agencies’ (R132 618 million or 33%), followed by ‘freight transport by road’ (R87 857 million or 22%).

The total income represents an increase of 10,7% per annum over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2010 (R296 025 million).


Expenditure in the transport and storage industry in 2013 amounted to R381 919 million. The expenditure consisted primarily of ‘purchases’ (R102 168 million or 27%), followed by ‘custom and excise duty paid’ (R84 533 million or 22%), ‘salaries and wages’ (R58 747 million or 15%) and ‘subcontractors paid’ (R22 927 million or 6.


The total number of persons employed in the transport and storage industry at the end of June 2013 was 299 850. ‘Freight transport’ had the largest number of employees (93 279 or 31%), followed by ‘railway transport’ (55 910 or 19%) and ‘activities of other transport agencies’ (28 903 or 10.

The total number of persons employed represents a decrease of 1,0% per annum over the number of persons employed reported in the corresponding survey of 2010 (308 742).

The proportion of females out of the total persons employed was 27%. The industry with the highest proportion of females employed was ‘travel agencies and related activities’ (69%), whilst ‘freight transport by road’ had the highest proportion of males employed (85%)