Key findings: Report-63-01-02 - Motor trade Industry, 2012


The total income for the motor trade industry in 2012 was R521 179 million. The largest contributor to the total income was ‘retail sales of motor vehicles’ (R255 646 million or 49%), followed by ‘retail sales of automotive fuel’ (R147 097 million or 28%) and ‘sales of new motor vehicle parts and accessories’ (R51 161 million or 10%).


Expenditure in the motor trade industry in 2012 amounted to R514 488 million. The largest contributor to total expenditure was ‘purchases’ (R424 970 million or 83%), followed by ‘salaries and wages’ (R38 298 million or 7%).


The total number of persons employed in the motor trade industry at the end of June 2012 was 284 650. ‘Retail sales of motor vehicles’ employed the largest number of persons (91 709 or 32%), followed by ‘retail sales of automotive fuel’ (84 250 or 30%) and ‘maintenance and repair of motor vehicles’ (48 679 or 17%).

The proportion of females out of the total persons employed was 26,8%. The industries with the highest proportion of females employed were ‘wholesale sales of motor vehicles’ (31,4%) and ‘retail sales of automotive fuel’ (30,4%).