Key findings: Report-61-01-01 - Wholesale trade Industry, 2009


The total income for the wholesale trade industry in 2009 was R948 330 million. The largest contributor to the total income was `wholesale trade in machinery, equipment and supplies`
(R231 307 million or 24%), followed by `wholesale trade in food, beverages and tobacco`
(R154 931 million or 16%), `wholesale trade in other household goods` (R112 436 million or 12%) and `wholesale trade in solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products` (R105 621 million or 11%) (Figure 1 and Table 3, page 8 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009)).
Large enterprises (those with turnover equal to or greater than R64 million) generated 80% or R759 068 million of the total income of the wholesale trade industry in 2009 (Figure 2 and
Table 4, page 9 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009)).


Expenditure in the wholesale trade industry in 2009 amounted to R916 512 million. The expenditure consisted primarily of `purchases` (R748 231 million or (81%), followed by `salaries and wages` (R59 711 million or 7%), `excise and customs duty` (R8 764 million or 1%) and `interest` (R8 538 million or 1%) (Figure 5 and Table 6, pages 11-12 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009)).


The total number of persons employed in the wholesale trade industry at the end of June 2009 was 440 117. `Wholesale trade in machinery, equipment and supplies` employed the largest number of persons (100 828 or 23%), followed by `other wholesale trade` (90 610 or 21%), `wholesale trade in food, beverages and tobacco` (54 409 or 12%) and `wholesale trade in other household goods` (49 855 or 11%) (Figure 7 and Table 11, page 17 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009)).

The proportion of males out of the total persons employed was 67% and that of females was 33%. The industry with the highest proportion of males employed was `wholesale trade in construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies` (73%), whilst `other wholesale trade` had the highest proportion of females employed (50%) (Figure 8 and Table 11,  page 17 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009)).
 Employment by enterprise size indicates that the large enterprises (those with turnover equal to or greater than R64 million) had the highest number of employees (217 848 or 50%), followed by small enterprises (108 222 or 25%), micro enterprises (63 625 or 14%) and medium enterprises (50 422 or 11%) (Figure 9 and Table 13, page 19 of Report No.61-01-01 (2009).