Key findings: Report-30-02-03 - Manufacturing industry - financial detail, 2021


The total income for the manufacturing industry in 2021 was R2 631,6 billion. The total income represents an increase of 1,2% per annum compared with the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2017 (R2 512,5 billion). Comparing 2017 and 2021, large increases were reported for the ‘food products and beverages’ (+R90,7 billion), ‘coke, petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic’ (+R28,1 billion) and ‘metals, metal products, machinery and equipment’ (+R19,1 billion) divisions. The largest decreases were reported for the ‘transport equipment’ (-R8,6 billion), ‘glass and other non-metallic mineral products’ (-R6,9 billion) and ‘telecommunication, medical and optical equipment and watches and clocks’ (-R6,7 billion) divisions.

Between 2011 and 2021, the ‘food products and beverages’ division gained the biggest percentage share of income (5,5 percentage points) (from a percentage contribution of 17,1% in 2011 to 22,6% in 2021). The ‘coke, petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic’ division lost the biggest percentage share (-4,1 percentage points) over the same period (from 29,9% in 2011 to 25,8% in 2021).


Revisions: revisions were made to Report No. 30-02-03 (2017) results due to new information obtained after the publication.



The total number of persons employed as at the end of June 2021 (1 092 417) in the manufacturing industry decreased by 2,0% (-91 089) per annum compared with the number employed as at the end of June 2017 (1 183 506). A large decrease in the number of persons employed was reported for the ‘wood, wood products, paper, publishing and printing’ division (-30 639), followed by the ‘metals, metal products, machinery and equipment’ (-26 565), ‘glass and other non-metallic mineral products (-17 653), ‘coke, petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic’ (-16 944) and ‘textiles, clothing, leather and footwear’ (-14 385) divisions. There were increases in the number of persons employed in the ‘food products and beverages’ (+19 220) and ‘transport equipment’ (+8 718) divisions.


The total number of persons employed in the manufacturing industry declined from 1 295 049 in 2011 to a low of 1 092 417 in 2021 (a loss of 202 632 employees). The biggest loss in the number of persons employed between 2011 and 2021 was in the ‘metals, metal products, machinery and equipment division (-67 378), followed by ‘textiles, clothing, leather and footwear’ (-52 820), ‘wood, wood products, paper, publishing and printing’ (-38 953) and ‘furniture, other manufacturing and recycling’ (-24 106) divisions. The only division that saw a gain in number of persons employed was ‘food products and beverages’ (+26 393).


Average salaries and wages

Total average salaries and wages in the manufacturing industry in 2021 was R248 276. The division with the highest average salaries and wages was ‘coke, petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic’ (R338 828), followed by ‘transport equipment’ (R316 670) and ‘telecommunication, medical and optical equipment and watches and clocks’ (R284 372). The division with the lowest average salaries and wages was ‘textiles, clothing, leather and footwear’ (R132 485).


Average salaries and wages in the manufacturing industry increased from R142 697 in 2011 to R248 276 in 2021, an annualised growth rate of 5,7%.