Key findings: Report-03-10-27 - Gender Series Volume X: Gender Disparities in Access to and Use of ICT in South Africa, 2016-2022, 2022

·       There was a decline in access to fixed telephones during the reference period and more male-headed households had access.

·       Mobile telephone ownership increased, with females having a higher percentage of ownership.

·       Access to internet connectivity increased for both male and female-headed households with equality reached in 2022.

  • ·           Access to computers increased and radio usage decreased, while television fluctuated.
  • ·        Gender disparities in university/technikon graduates with computer and information sciences qualifications were in favour of males.
  •        The male graduates with ICT qualifications from universities and TVETs were more likely to be employed than their female counterparts.
  •    Male-headed households in the ICT high category had higher percentages compared to female-headed households, regardless of age group.