About: Report-03-10-07 - South Africa`s young children: their parents and home environment

Publication name:
Report-03-10-07 - South Africa`s young children: their parents and home environment

Publication description:
The South Africa’s Young Children: their Parents and Home Environment, 2012 is a new report, published specifically to supplement the Recorded Live Births, 2012 release with the aim of providing the context in which births occur in the country. It forms part of a regular series of reports published by Stats SA focusing on a selected topic of interest. This report presents statistics on young children aged below five years in South Africa in 2012. It highlights the profile of biological parents and the home environment in which children are raised by addressing questions on: who are the young children in South Africa; what are the characteristics of mothers and fathers who raise their biological children; and under what material and physical conditions do young children live.

Publication category:
Demography - Population

Publication frequency:
Published: Once-off

Publication type: