About: Report-03-09-06 - Trends in the percentage of children who are orphaned in South Africa: 1995 - 2005

Publication name:
Report-03-09-06 - Trends in the percentage of children who are orphaned in South Africa: 1995 - 2005

Publication description:
This paper uses information in the public domain from the 1995-1998 October Household Surveys, the 2001 Census, and the 2002-2005 General Household Surveys to estimate the percentage of children (age 0-14) who are maternal orphans, paternal orphans, double orphans (both parents dead), and who have at least one dead parent. Estimates are made for all South Africans, for Africans, for non-Africans and for Africans in Kwazulu-Natal

Publication category:
Demography - Population

Publication frequency:
Published: Once Off

Publication type: