About: Report-03-00-05 - Use of health facilities and levels of selected health conditions in South Africa: Findings from the General Household Survey

Publication name:
Report-03-00-05 - Use of health facilities and levels of selected health conditions in South Africa: Findings from the General Household Survey

Publication description:
This report presents information on the use of health facilities by households in South Africa as well as the levels and patterns of selected health conditions in the country in 2011. It is based on information collected from respondents who participated in the General Household Survey that was conducted by Statistics South Africa from July to September 2011. The report focuses on the utilisation of health facilities and access to these facilities, highlighting mode of travel and time taken to reach the facilities. It also provides information on medical aid coverage, self-reported illnesses or injuries suffered by individuals and health care seeking behaviour. The report further presents information on communicable and non-communicable diseases, including medication taken for non-communicable diseases.

Publication category:
Medical, dental and other health services

Publication frequency:
Published: Once-off

Publication type: