About: Report-01-00-01 - Income and expenditure of households (IES): Economic analysis

Publication name:
Report-01-00-01 - Income and expenditure of households (IES): Economic analysis

Publication description:
The ``Income and expenditure of households 2005/2006: Analysis of results`` report provides users with a variety of comparisons both within the 2005/2006 survey and with its two predecessors in 1995 and 2000. There are separate sections on income, expenditure and inequality. The expenditure comparisons are across income groups, population groups and the provinces. The analysis identifies where there have been significant changes in consumer behaviour and provides Stats SA’s explanations for these. Importantly, the report also guides users regarding the limitations of certain comparisons and the caveats that should be taken into account when policymakers and other analysts make use of the results for their own research.

Publication category:

Publication frequency:
Published: Every 5 years

Publication type: