Key findings: Report-00-30-00 - East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) Survey, 2016, 2016

Key findings: Report No. 00-30-00, East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) Survey, 2016

Total income

The total income for the ELIDZ in 2016 was R7,0 billion. The total income increased by 23,6% over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2015 (R5,7 billion). Comparing 2015 and 2016, a large increase was reported for manufacturing activities (R2,3 billion or 53,5%). However, there was a large decrease in non-manufacturing activities ( R1,0 billion or 75,7%).

The total selected income from goods and services sold in the ELIDZ in 2016 was R6,7 billion. Goods and services sold to 'other' domestic enterprises amounted to R3,4 billion (or 51,3% of selected income items). In the case of manufacturing activities, there was a large increase of 56,7% or R1,2 billion (from R2,1 billion 2015 to R3,2 billion in 2016) in goods and services exported or sold to domestic exporters.


The total number of persons employed (excluding employees employed through labour brokers) in the ELIDZ as at end of June 2016 was 3 187. Manufacturing employed the largest number of persons (2 647 or 83,1%).

Employment (excluding employees employed through labour brokers) increased by 21,3% (or 560 jobs) compared with the corresponding survey of 2015. Manufacturing gained 550 jobs and non-manufacturing gained 10 jobs.

The ELIDZ employed more males than females in both 2015 and 2016. The proportion of males increased from 60,8% in 2015 to 64,7% in 2016.

The proportion of youth out of the total number of persons employed (excluding outsourced employees) declined from 44,7% in 2015 to 40,3% 2016.

Capital expenditure

The total capital expenditure on new assets in the ELIDZ in 2016 was R247 million. Capital expenditure on new assets decreased by 31,2% between 2015 and 2016. This was due to the decline of 34,6% or R122,0 million in capital expenditure on new assets by manufacturing.