Key findings: P9119.4 - Financial statistics of consolidated general government, 2014

Consolidated net change in the stock of cash from the general government sector amounted to a cash surplus of R26 133 million for the 2013/2014 fiscal year.

The statistical release provides information on the sources and uses of cash of consolidated government for the fiscal years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, classified economically and functionally. In the 2012/2013 fiscal year the net change in the stock of cash deficit was R66 403 million.

Major Influences

The major contributors to R26 133 million of consolidated net change in the stock of cash from the general government sector for the fiscal year 2013/2014 were the cash receipts from operating activities of R1 116 872 million (2012/2013: R1 010 540 million); cash payments for operating activities of R1 198 414 million (2012/2013: R1 082 167 million); purchases of non-financial assets of R114 419 million (2012/2013: R101 678 million); sales of non-financial assets of R1 984 million (2012/2013: R2 151 million); net acquisition of financial assets other than cash of R21 541 million (2012/2013: R28 248 million); and net incurrence of liabilities of R241 651 million (2012/2013: R132 999 million).

The largest contributor to the total cash payments for operating activities and purchases of non-financial assets (functionally classified) of R1 312 834 million by the general government sector for the 2013/2014 fiscal year was general public services (R320 342 million, contributing 24,4%), followed by education (R249 200 million or 19,0%), social protection (R170 590 million or 13,0%), health (R146 726 million or 11,2%), public order and safety (R141 227 million or 10,8%), economic affairs (R124 429 million or 9,5%), housing and community amenities (R63 135 million or 4,8%), recreation, culture and religion (R44 949 million or 3,4%), defence (R41 944 million or 3,2%) and environmental protection (R10 293 million or 0,8%).