Key findings: P9119.3 - Financial statistics of national government, 2014

The net change in the stock of cash from the national revenue fund and donor funds amounted to R14 962 million for the 2013/2014 fiscal year.

This statistical release provides information on the sources and uses of cash of national government for the fiscal year 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, classified economically and functionally. The total net change in the stock of cash from the national revenue fund and donor funds amounted to R14 962 million for the 2013/2014 fiscal year.

Major Influences

The major contributors to the amount of R14 962 million from the net change in the stock of cash of national government for the fiscal year 2013/2014 are the cash receipts from operating activities, R928 102 million (2012/2013: R842 010 million); cash payments for operating activities, R1 076 430 million, (2012/2013: R994 329 million); purchases of non-financial assets, R14 123 million, (2012/2013: R14 175 million); sales of non-financial assets, R37 million (2012/2013: R94 million); net acquisition of financial assets other than cash, R4 113 million (2012/2013: R1 447 million); and net incurrence of liabilities, R181 488 million (2012/2013: R138 963 million).

The largest contributors to the total cash payments for operating activities and purchases of non-financial assets of R1 090 553 million from the national revenue fund and donor funds for the 2013/2014 fiscal year were transfers of a general character between different levels of government (R388 038 million or 35,6%) mainly to provincial governments to defray their expenditure on general government services; followed by total social protection (R120 827 million or 11,1%); total public order and safety (R105 015 million or 9,6%); public debt transactions (mainly interest) (R101 090 million or 9,3%); total economic affairs(R95 144 million or 8,7%); executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairs (R65 669 million or 6,0%); total housing and community amenities (R57 591 million or 5,3%); total education (R52 496 million or 4,8%); total defence (R40 298 million or 3,7%); total health (R34 410 million or 3,2%); general services (R12 845 million or 1,2%); basic research (R6 114 million or 0,6%); total recreation, culture and religion (R4 752 million or 0,4%); and total environmental protection (R3 428 million or 0,3%) (see Table B, p. 12, Figure 5, p. 13).