Key findings: P9101.1 - Actual and Expected Capital Expenditure by the Public Sector, 2004

Capital expenditure of public sector institutions amounted to R50,17 billion in 2004. This reflected an increase of 1,1% over the equivalent expenditure of R49,61 billion in 2003.

Local municipalities reflected the largest increase (of 50,6%) in expenditure on new construction works, from R3 079,3 million in 2003 to R4 638,4 million in 2004; followed by extra-budgetary funds (23%), from R169,3 million in 2003 to R208,3 million in 2004; provincial government (15,6%), from R6 653,2 million in 2003 to R7 689,5 million in 2004; and district and metropolitan municipalities (14,1%), from R5 756,0 million in 2003 to R6 567,3 million in 2004. There were decreases in expenditure on new construction works by universities and technikons (31,6%), from R564,1 million in 2003 to R385,6 million in 2004; public corporations (23,7%), from R13 778,9 million in 2003 to R10 513,8 million in 2004; and national government (18,3%), from R3 944,8 million to R3 222,0 million in 2004.

Provincial government reflected the largest increase (of 156,6%) in expenditure on machinery and equipment, from R1 069,3 million in 2003 to R2 743,7 million in 2004; followed by district and metropolitan municipalities (33,4%), from R854,9 million in 2003 to R1 140,8 million in 2004; local municipalities (21,9%), from R377,4 million in 2003 to R459,9 million in 2004 and extra-budgetary funds (9,3%), from R823,4  million in 2003 to R900,1  million in 2004. There were decreases in expenditure on machinery and equipment by universities and technikons (12,0%), from R792,5 million in 2003 to R697,4 million in 2004; followed by national government (6,4%), from R1 955,2 million to R1 829,2 million in 2004; and public corporations (3,3%), from R7 908,7 million in 2003 to R7 645,5 million in 2004.

National government reflected the largest increase (of 513,3%) in expenditure on land and buildings, from R1,5 million in 2003 to R9,2 million in 2004; followed by universities and technikons (17,4%), from R187,2 million in 2003 to R219,2 million in 2004; local municipalities (6,3%), from R141,7 million in 2003 to R150,6 million in 2004; and public corporations (0,9%), from R430,4 million in 2003 to R434,4 million in 2004. There were decreases in expenditure on land and buildings by provincial government (54,8%), from R604,0 million in 2003 to R273,2 million in 2004; followed by extra-budgetary funds (42,5%), from R165,3 million in 2003 to R95,1 million in 2004; and district and metropolitan municipalities (0,8%), from R353,2 million to R350,5 million in 2004.