Key findings: P6421 - Food and beverages industry, 2012


The total income for the food and beverages industry in 2012 was R44 262 million. The largest contributor to the total income was `restaurants and coffee shops` (R21 797 million or 49%), followed by `takeaway and fast-food outlets` (R13 751 million or 31%)).


Expenditure in the food and beverages industry in 2012 amounted to R43 131 million. The largest contributor to total expenditure was `purchases` (R21 470 million or 50%), followed by `salaries and wages` (R8 760 million or 20%) and `rental of land and buildings` (R2 467 million or 6%).


The total number of persons employed in the food and beverages industry at the end of June 2012 was 192 889. `Restaurants and coffee shops` employed the largest number of persons (100 498 or 52%), followed by `takeaway and fast-food outlets` (53 991 or 28%).

The proportion of females out of the total persons employed was 61%. The industry with the highest proportion of females employed was `takeaway and fast-food outlets` (66%).