Key findings: P6420 - Food and beverages, March 2008

Total income increases

The total income generated by the food and beverages industry in the first quarter of 2008 amounted to R7 627,6 million indicating an increase of 16,7% compared with the first quarter of 2007. The reported increase of 16,7% is partly a reflection of rising prices with food inflation having risen strongly in the reported period.
With reference to figure 1, all types of enterprises contributed positively to the first quarter annual increase of 16,7% except caterers. One of the reasons for the negative contribution by caterers is that most of them serve meals to the corporate sector, and the switch of Easter and the bulk of school holidays from April in 2007 to March in 2008 meant fewer working days and therefore fewer days available for catering services. Furthermore, figure 1 indicates that take-away outlets increased by 24,8%, restaurants and coffee shops by 20,7% and other catering services by 12,6%.