Key findings: P6410 - Tourist accommodation, June 2008

Total income for the accommodation industry increases

Total income for the accommodation industry increased by 33,5%  (R1 144,1 million) in the second quarter of 2008 compared to the second quarter of 2007. Furthermore, total income for the accommodation industry in June 2008 increased by 34,8% (R367,5 million) compared to June 2007.

Income from accommodation increases

Income from accommodation increased by 30,8%  (R693,4 million) in the second quarter of 2008 compared to the second quarter of 2007. Furthermore, income from accommodation in June 2008 increased by 32,5% (R224,6 million) compared to June 2007.

Stay units available

The number of stay units available during the second quarter of 2008 increased by 0,4% compared to the second quarter of 2007. In addition, there was an increase of 0,5% in the number of stay units available during June 2008 (106 300) compared to June 2007 (105 800).

Number of stay unit nights sold increases

The number of stay unit nights sold during the second quarter of 2008 increased by 11,4% (from 4 476 900 to
4 986 500) compared to the second quarter of 2007. The number of stay unit nights sold for June 2008 increased by 11,0% (from 1 426 900 to 1 584 200) compared to June 2007.

Occupancy rate increases
The occupancy rate during the second quarter of 2008 increased by 10,8% (to 51,5%) compared to the second quarter of 2007. Furthermore, the occupancy rate for June 2008 increased by 10,5% (to 49,7%) compared to June 2007.