Key findings: P6410 - Tourist accommodation, September 2007

Stay units available

There was a decrease of 0,5% in the number of stay units available between the third quarter of 2007 and the same quarter of 2006. This was influenced by some establishments that were busy with renovations in the third quarter of 2007.

Furthermore, there was a slight decrease of 0,8% in the number of stay units available during September 2007 (105 800) compared to September 2006 (106 600).

Number of stay unit nights sold increases

The number of stay unit nights sold during the third quarter of 2007 increased by 3,7% (from 4 644 200 to 4 814 600) compared to the third quarter of 2006.

However, the number of stay unit nights sold during September 2007 compared to September 2006 decreased by 0,1% ( from 1 647 100 to 1 645 400).

Occupancy rate increases

The occupancy rate during the third quarter of 2007 increased by 4,2% (from 47,5% to 49,5%) compared to the third quarter of 2006. Furthermore, the occupancy rate for September 2007 increased by 0,6% (from 51,5% to 51,8%) compared to September 2006.

Income from accommodation increases

Income from accommodation in the third quarter of 2007 increased by 19,9%  (R414,0 million) compared with the third quarter of 2006. This increase is partly due to an increase in the