Key findings: P6343.2 - Motor trade sales, April 2008

After recording a moderate increase of 1,4% year on year in March 2008, annual growth in motor trade sales rose strongly in April 2008 to 16,5%. The increase was partly driven by high fuel prices  and the impact of lower motor vehicle sales reported in April 2007, when sales where negatively affected by the difficulties experienced with the introduction of the eNatis system.

Motor trade sales for the three months up to April 2008 increased by 8,2% compared with the three months up to April 2007. This was lower than the 13,8% increase reported for the three months ended April 2007 compared with the three months ended April 2006.

Seasonally adjusted motor trade sales for the three months up to April 2008 increased by 5,3% compared with the three months ended January 2008.