Key findings: P6141.2 - Wholesale trade sales, January 2007

Key findings as at the end of January 2007

Wholesale trade sales, at constant (2000) prices, for the three months up to January 2007 increased by 7,8% compared with the three months up to January 2006. Seasonally adjusted wholesale trade sales, at constant (2000) prices, for the three months up to January 2007 increased by 2,5% compared with the three months up to October 2006. 

Wholesale trade sales, at constant (2000) prices, for January 2007 increased by 12,3% compared with January 2006. The 12,3% is higher than the 5,4% growth in January 2006.

Wholesale trade sales increase at current prices

Wholesale trade sales, at current prices, for the three months up to January 2007 increased by 18,8%  compared with the same period in 2006. The 18,8% increase is higher than the 7,5% growth for the corresponding  period in 2006.