Key findings: P5002 - The Construction Industry, 2011


The total income for the construction industry in 2011 was R268 100 million. The largest contributor to the total income was `construction of civil engineering structures` (R104 646 million or 38%), followed by `construction of buildings` (R68 758 million or 26%), `other building installation` (R20 129 million or 8%), and `other building completion` (R15 198 million or 6%) (Figure 1 and Table 1, page 5 of statistical release P5002).
The total income represents an increase of 12,2% per annum over the income reported to the corresponding survey of 2007 (R169 249 million) (Statistical report 50-02-01 (2007)).


Expenditure in the construction industry in 2011 amounted to R257 157 million. The largest contributor to total expenditure was `purchases` (R113 242 million or 44%), followed by `payments to construction sub-contractors and labour brokers` (R52 200 million or 20%), `salaries and wages` (R48 020 million or 19%) and `depreciation` (R6 804 million or 3%)  (Figure 3 and Table 6, page 11 of statistical release P5002).


The total number of persons employed in the construction industry at the end of June 2011 was 479 700. `Construction of civil engineering structures` employed the largest number of persons (154 018 or 33%), followed by `construction of buildings` (117 495 or 24%), `electrical contractors` (39 305 or 8%), and `other building completion` (34 487 or 7%) (Figure 5 and Table 15, page 20 of statistical release P5002).

The proportion of males out of the total persons employed was 89%.`Site preparation` at 94% had the highest proportion of males employed (Figure 6 and Table 15, page 20 of statistical release P5002).
Employment in the construction industry decreased by 2,9% per annum compared with the number of employees reported in the corresponding survey of 2007 (540 581) (Statistical report 50-02-01 (2007)).