Key findings: P4141 - Electricity generated and available for distribution, May 2009

Electricity consumption after seasonal adjustment for the three months ended May 2009 increased by 2,9% compared with the previous three months ended February 2009, indicating a turn in the decreasing trend since the beginning of 2008. The estimated consumption of electricity was 4,0% lower (-809 Gigawatt-hours) in May 2009 compared with May 2008 and 6,3% lower
(-6 150 Gigawatt-hours) in the first five months of 2009 compared with the first five months of 2008

Estimated seasonally adjusted production of electricity for March to May 2009 increased by 3,0% compared with the previous three months. The estimated production of electricity in May 2009 (21 329 Gigawatt-hours) represents a decline of 4,7% compared with the May 2008 figure, the smallest annual decrease for 2009 thus far.