Key findings: P4001 - Electricity, gas & water supply, 2010


The total income for the electricity, gas and water supply industry in 2010 was R108 628 million. The largest contributor to the total income was `generation, transmission and distribution of electricity` (R77 441 million or 71%), followed by `collection, purification and distribution of water` (R16 504 million or 15%), `distribution of purchased electricity only` (R8 674 million or 8%) and `manufacturing and distribution of gaseous fuels through mains` (R6 009 million or 6%) (Figure 1 and Table 2, page 6 of release P4001).


Expenditure in the electricity, gas and water supply industry in 2010 amounted to R100 923 million. The largest contributor to the total expenditure was `purchases` (R45 075 million or 44%), followed by `salaries and wages` (R17 674 million or 18%), `depreciation` (R7 269 million or 7%) and `losses on foreign exchange` (R6 639 million or 7%) (Figure 3 and Table 3, page 7-8 of release P4001).


The total number of persons employed in the electricity, gas and water supply industry at the end of June 2010 was 53 462. `Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity` employed the largest number of persons (38 332 or 71%), followed by `collection, purification and distribution of water` (12 171 or 23%), `distribution of purchased electricity only` (2 544 or 5%) and