Key findings: P3041.2 - Manufacturing: Production and sales, December 2023

Production: results for December 2023


Manufacturing production increased by 0,7% in December 2023 compared with December 2022. The largest positive contributions were made by the following divisions:

·        petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic products (5,3% and contributing 1,1 percentage points);

·        wood and wood products, paper, publishing and printing (2,7% and contributing 0,3 of a percentage point); and

·        food and beverages (0,9% and contributing 0,3 of a percentage point).


Seasonally adjusted manufacturing production decreased by 1,7% in December 2023 compared with November 2023. This followed month-on-month changes of 1,2% in November 2023 and 0,0% in October 2023.


Seasonally adjusted manufacturing production increased by 0,1% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared with the third quarter of 2023. Six of the ten manufacturing divisions reported positive growth rates over this period.


In 2023, total manufacturing production increased by 0,4% compared with 2022. The largest positive contributions were made by the following divisions:

·        basic iron and steel, non-ferrous metal products, metal products and machinery (1,7% and contributing 0,3 of a percentage point);

·        motor vehicles, parts and accessories and other transport equipment (2,2% and contributing 0,2 of a percentage point); and

·        wood and wood products, paper, publishing and printing (1,4% and contributing 0,2 of a percentage point).


Sales: results for December 2023


Seasonally adjusted manufacturing sales increased by 1,3% in December 2023 compared with November 2023. This followed month-on-month changes of 1,7% in November 2023 and -0,6% in October 2023.


Seasonally adjusted manufacturing sales increased by 1,7% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared with the third quarter of 2023. The largest positive contribution was made by the motor vehicles, parts and accessories and other transport equipment division (10,7% and contributing 1,8 percentage points).