Key findings: P2041 - Mining: Production and sales, February 2012

Key findings regarding mining production for February 2012

There was no change in the seasonally adjusted mining production for the three months ended February 2012 compared with the three months ended November 2011. Six of the twelve mineral groups and minerals had positive contributions, with coal being the main contributor with 1,4 percentage points. Of the five mineral groups and minerals that contributed negatively, iron ore was the biggest (contributing -0,9 of a percentage point).

A year-on-year decrease of 14,5% was recorded in February 2012 compared with a revised 4,9% decrease in January 2012. The 14,5% decrease is the largest year-on-year decrease since March 2008 (-16,8%) and in both instances PGMs made the largest contribution, with -9,8 percentage points in March 2008 and -12,6 percentage points in February 2012.

Key findings regarding mineral sales for January 2012

The seasonally adjusted value of mineral sales at current prices reflected an increase of 6,2% for the three months ended January 2012 compared with the three months ended October 2011. The 6,2% increase (R6 005,9 million) was mainly due to increases in the sales value of coal (contributing 1,8 percentage points or R1 750,4 million) and gold (contributing 1,3 percentage points or R1 303,5 million).

The actual value of mineral sales at current prices for the three months ended January 2012 increased by 23,2% compared with the same three months of the previous year. The major contributors to this increase were:

  • gold (contributing 8,3 percentage points or R6 725,5 million);
  • coal (contributing 7,8 percentage points or R6 272,5 million); and
  • iron ore (contributing 3,2 percentage points or R2 556,4 million)