Key findings: P0318 - General Household Survey (GHS), 2006

The summary of the key findings reported here is intended to provide a snapshot of the overall results based on the GHS covering the period 2002 to 2006:

Among learners aged 7-15 years, attendance rates rose from 96,3% in 2002 to 97,9 % in 2005 and declined slightly to 97,7 in 2006.

Regarding health, 2006 experienced a decline in the percentage of persons covered by a medical aid scheme, 13,7% in 2006 compared with 15,2% in 2002.

The percentage of households that live in informal structures, commonly referred to as shacks, was 12,7% in 2002 and 14,5% in 2006.

The percentage of households that receive Government housing subsidies was 5,5% in 2002 and 9,6% in 2006.

The percentage of households that use electricity for lighting, rose from 75,6% in 2002 to  81,3% in 2006.

Use of municipality services for refuse removal, increased steadily - from 55,0% of all households in 2002 to 60,6% in 2006.

The percentage of households that have access to piped water in their dwelling or on site, rose from 66,1% in 2002 to 71,3% in 2006.

The percentage of households that used bucket toilets or had no toilet facility declined from 13,2% in 2002 to 8,2% in 2005 and increase slightly to 8,6% in 2006.