P0309.3 - Mortality and causes of death in South Africa: Findings from death notification, 2018

Publication date & time: 15 June 2021 @ 11:00
Important Notice: Statement on MACOD 2018 reinstatement
A discrepancy in the number of deaths in the age groups 0 and 1-4 years in Table 3.1 on the recently-published Mortality and Causes of Death 2018 Statistical Release was identified by one of our users. The Statistical Release was subsequently withdrawn from the website to minimise further miscommunication to users. The problem required recalculation of the age variable in the dataset and verification of the underlying causes of death for cases where the age changed. Given the current challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, and occasional closure of the Stats SA offices due to COVID-19 positive cases, the verification process took longer than normal. The process is now complete and the report has been updated. Stats SA apologizes for the inconvenience experienced by our users. We remain committed to ensuring that our publications meet the highest quality standards.
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