Key findings: P0307 - Marriages and Divorces, 2008

In 2008, 186 522 civil marriages were recorded in South Africa. Of those marriages 51,5% were solemnized by civil rites and 34,2% by religious rites.

The number of customary marriages has been fluctuating between 2003 and 2008 with the lowest number recorded.

Customary marriages observed in 2006 (14 039) and the highest in 2004 (20 301). In 2008 17 283 marriages were recorded.

In 2007, 80 civil unions were registered. A year later in 2008, the number of registration had increased to 732.

The total number of officially recorded divorces in 2008 was 28 924. This represents a decrease of 22,0%, as compared to the 2007 divorces (29 639). It is observed that 42,9% of all the divorce cases were from marriages that were solemnised by civil rites and 49,7 by religious rites.