Key findings: P0307 - Marriages and Divorces, 2003

The overall number of officially recorded marriages in South Africa in 2003 was 178 689. This represented an increase of 1 487 marriages as compared to 177 202 marriages recorded in 2002.

In 2003, a considerable number (99 286) of officially recorded marriages in 2003 were solemnised by civil rites. This constituted over a half (56%) of all officially recorded marriages. The number of officially recorded marriages solemnised through religious ceremonies was 51 242, which constituted 29% of all officially recorded marriages. The crude marriage rate in South Africa for 2003 was 393 per 100 000 of the population.

The total number of officially recorded divorces in 2003 was 31 566. This figure was higher than the 2002 divorces by 196. The modified crude divorce rate in South Africa for 2003 was 529 per 100 000 married couples.

In 2003, there were in total 33 424 minor children involved in divorce. This was lower than the figure observed in 2002 (34 400).