Key findings: P0302 - Mid-year population estimates, 2022

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) estimates the mid-year population at 60,60 million people in 2022. Approximately 51,1% (approximately 30,98 million) of the population is female. By 2022 there has been a rise in Life expectancy at birth, estimated at 60,0 years for males and 65,6 years for females. Overall Life expectancy at birth increased to 62,8 in 2022 from 61,7 (peak of COVID related deaths) in 2021. There is a reduction in international migration, which is indicative of the COVID-19 travel restrictions and subsequent impact on migratory patterns since March 2020. For the period 2021–2026, Gauteng and Western Cape are estimated to experience the largest inflow of migrants of approximately, 1 443 978 and 460 489 respectively.  Gauteng still comprises the largest share of the South African population, with approximately 16,10 million people (26,6%) living in this province. The Mid-year estimates 2022 does not include data from Census 2022. The census data will be released in 2023. The MYPE will incorporate findings from the published Census 2022 in the next MYPE series upon release in 2024.