About: P0301.5 - Post-enumeration Survey 2022 Statistical Release

Publication name:
P0301.5 - Post-enumeration Survey 2022 Statistical Release

Publication description:
Statistics South Africa conducted the Post-enumeration survey (PES) 2022, from June 2022 to August 2022, as part of quality assessment processes for the Census 2022. The PES is an independent sample survey that is conducted immediately after the completion of census enumeration in order to evaluate the coverage and content errors of the census. Coverage error is a measure of how many persons or households were missed or counted more than once, and content error indicates the quality of key characteristics in the census. The scope of the PES 2022 includes persons and households living in private dwellings and excludes persons in institutions, and homeless and transient persons.

Publication category:

Publication frequency:
Published: Periodic

Publication type:
Statistical Release