Key findings: P0277 - Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES), March 2019

The results of the Quarterly employment survey (QES) for the first quarter of 2019 released by Statistics South Africa, show an increase of 22 000 jobs (+0.2%) from 10 152 000 to 10 174 000 in the formal non-agricultural sector. This was largely due to increases in the following industries: community services (19 000 or 0,7%), mining and quarrying (6 000 or 1,3%), manufacturing (5 000 or 0,4%) and business services (5 000 or 0,2%). However there were decreases in the trade (-8 000 or -0,4%), transport industry (-3 000 or -0,6%), electricity industry (-1 000 or -1,6%) and construction (-1 000 or -0,2%).

Total employment increased by 76 000 or 0,8% year-on-year between March 2018 and March 2019.

Full-time employment increased by 34 000 quarter-on-quarter, from 9 099 000 in December 2018 to 9 133 000 in March 2019. This was largely due to increases in the following industries: trade (12 000 or 0,6%), manufacturing (7 000 or 0,6%), mining and quarrying (6 000 or 1,3%), business services (6 000 or 0,3%) and construction industry (5 000 or 0,9%). The community services industry remained unchanged. A decrease was recorded in the electricity (-1 000 or -1,7%) and transport industry (-1 000 or -0,2%).

Full time employment increased by 130 000 or 1,4% year-on-year between March 2018 and March 2019.

Part-time employment decreased by 12 000 quarter-on-quarter, from 1 053 000 in December 2018 to 1 041 000 in March 2019. This was largely due to decreases in the following industries: trade (-20 000 or -8,5%), construction industry (-6 000 or -6,6%), manufacturing (-2 000 or -2,4%), transport industry (-2 000 or -10,0%) and business services industry (-1 000 or -0,4%). The electricity industry remained unchanged. Community service industry increased by (19 000 or 5,1%).

Part time employment decreased by 54 000 or 4,9% year-on-year between March 2018 and March 2019.

Gross earnings and average monthly earnings

Total earnings paid to employees amounted to R688 billion in March 2019, down from R728 billion in December 2018. This is a quarterly decrease of R40 billion or 5,6%. 

Decreases in gross earnings were led by community services industry with R9,6 billion, trade industry with R8,0 billion, manufacturing industry with R7,8 billion, construction industry with R4,7 billion, business services industry with R4,6 billion, transport industry with R3,6 billion, electricity industry with R1,5 billion and mining industry with R0,5 billion.

Gross earnings increased by R25 billion or 3,7% year-on-year.

The survey showed a decrease of 1,9% in average monthly earnings paid to employees in the formal non-agricultural sector, from R21 256 thousands in November 2018 to R20 855 thousands in February 2019. Year-on-year, average monthly earnings paid to employees in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 3,8%.