Key findings: P0277 - Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES), September 2016

Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES), third quarter 2016

According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) for the third quarter of 2016 released by Statistics South Africa, employment increased by 93 000 quarter-on-quarter, from 9 189 000 in June 2016 to 9 282 000 in September 2016. This was largely due to increases in the following industries: community services (78 000 or 3,1%); trade (7 000 or 0,4%); construction (6 000 or 1,1%); business services (6 000 or 0,3%) and mining and quarrying (2 000 or 0,4%).

The electricity industry remained unchanged.

However there were decreases in the following industries: manufacturing (-3 000 or -0,3%) and transport (-3 000 or -0,7%).

Gross earnings

For the quarter September 2016, gross earnings paid to employees increased by R20 482 million (3,9%) from R522 584 million in June 2016 to R543 066 million in September 2016. The increase was mainly due to increases in the business services; community services; trade; manufacturing; electricity; mining and quarrying and construction industries

There was a decrease reported by the transport industry.

Average monthly earnings

Average monthly earnings, including bonuses and overtime payments, for all industries in the formal non-agricultural sector of the economy  increased by 0,1% from R18 077 in May 2016 to R18104 in August 2016.