About: P0141.7 - Consumer Price Index New basket price survey results

Publication name:
P0141.7 - Consumer Price Index New basket price survey results

Publication description:
From January 2008 to December 2008 Stats SA collected prices for goods and services for the new CPI basket. These prices were used to calculate the indices according to the new weights published in July 2008. These indices were also re-based to 2008=100. These indices will form the basis for calculating the year-on-year changes in the CPI for 2009 and the month-on-month change between December 2008 and January 2009. These indices do not replace the officially published figures for 2008 and do not constitute a revision of the 2008 inflation numbers. The table numbering in this publication has the same format as the new monthly publication P0141 as from January 2009. The tables not included in this publication have no historical data for 2008.

Publication category:

Publication frequency:
Published: Once-off

Publication type:
Statistical Release