About: P0100 - Income and expenditure of households (IES)

Publication name:
P0100 - Income and expenditure of households (IES)

Publication description:
The ``Income and expenditure of households 2005/2006: Statistical release`` presents the results of the Income and Expenditure Survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) between September 2005 and August 2006 (IES 2005/2006). The IES 2005/2006 based on the diary method was the first of its kind to be conducted by Stats SA. Previously IES were conducted by Stats SA every five years using the recall method. The IES 2005/2006 was designed to collect information on items and services acquired by South African households, various sources of income acquired by participating households (monetary or in-kind). This was accomplished by collecting details of all expenditure by a participating household and all acquisitions of goods and services for the household’s own consumption within a given reference period. The results of the survey serve as an input into identifying the goods and services that should be included in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket of goods and services.

Publication category:

Publication frequency:
Published: Every 5 years

Publication type:
Statistical Release